
1)Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism, revised edition, London: Verso, 1991
2)We can understand the traits of Japanese history education from the mid-1960s to the early 1980s from the following studies: Marc Ferro, "History in Japan: a Code or an Ideology?" in The Use and Abuse of History, or, How the Past is Taught, London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1984, pp. 194-205; Kosaku Yoshino, Cultural Nationalism in Contemporary Japan: A Sociological Enquiry, London: Routledge, 1992, pp. 203-226; Carol Gluck, "The Past in the Present." in Andrew Gordon (ed.), Postwar Japan as History, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993, pp. 64-95; Ian Buruma, Wages of Guilt: Memories of War in Germany and Japan, New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1994, pp. 161-162, 189-201; Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II, New York: Basic Books, 1997, pp. 199-210
3)Hyun Sook Kim, "History and Memory: The 'Comfort Women' Controversy." in Positions: East Asia Cultures Critique (volume 5, number 1, 1997), pp. 73-106
4)Some people have already touched on this significant point to study recent Japanese society, see, Richard B. Finn, "The Real Numbers Are Bad Enough." in The Washington Post, March 5th, 1998, p. A20
5)Cf. Mayumi Ito, "Japan's Abiding Sakoku Mentality." in Orbis, v.40 (Spring 1996), pp. 235-245; Hideichiro Nakano, "Japan's Internationalization: Becoming a Global Citizen." in International Journal of Comparative Sociology, v.25 (Jan./Apr. 1984), pp. 114-122; Toru Yano, "A New Outlook for Internationalization." in Japan Quarterly, v.34 (Jan./Mar. 1987), pp. 8-12
6)See, Eric Hobsbawm and Terence Ranger (eds.), The Invention of Tradition, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983; Eric Hobsbawm, Nations and Nationalism since 1780: Programme, Myth, Reality, New York: Cambridge University Press, 1990
7)Anderson, Imagined Communities, p. 121
8)Anderson, Imagined Communities, pp. 121-122, emphasis added
9)Anderson, Imagined Communities, p. 118
10)Anderson, Imagined Communities, p. 118
11)This way of thinking coincides with the intentions of the sociological theories which try to harmonize interpretative sociology with structural functionalism. See, e.g., Anthony Giddens, The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of Structuration, Cambridge: Polity, 1984
12)Max Weber, Economy and Society: An Outline of Interpretative Sociology, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978, p. 14, emphasis added
13)Weber, Economy and Society, p. 27, emphasis added
14)Of course, this definition by Max Weber is just a principle and is influenced by Max Weber's background, German society in the late 19th century. The realities of the formation of the "belief" is different in each case of a nation-state. For example, Eugen Weber shows how non-French attitudes and consciousness remained long after the formation of modern France as a nation-state in his Peasants into Frenchmen: the Modernization of Rural France, 1870-1914, Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 1976. However, when he explains change and assimilation of French rural society after the 1870s, he pays attention not only to construction of roads and railways, but also to operations of schools and the army, which funnelled national consciousness to peasants (Part II). Eugen Weber shows how schools and the army provided a common experience for the countryside late in the 19th century. He, too, regards a "moral, mental, and cultural" unity as important for the formation of the nation-state (Part III).
15)See, Anderson, Imagined Communities, pp. 37-46
16)See, Anderson, Imagined Communities, pp. 31-36, 47-65, 135
17)Anderson, Imagined Communities, pp. 83-111
18)Ernest Gellner, Nations and Nationalism, Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1983, p. 1
19)Anderson, Imagined Communities, pp. 118-122, 172-175, 200-201
20)"Japanese history" is a genre created after the formation of Japan as a modern nation-state in the Meiji era. Although "Japanese history" had been studied in some schools of the study of classical literature, such as the Mito School, before the Meiji Restoration, we should pay good attention to the fact that their greatest product of study, 397 volumes of The Great Japanese History, was completed in 1906 (the 39th year of Meiji). For more information regarding the establishment of "Japanese history," see, e.g., Sonshi Ri, "Kindaikokka no keisei to 'nihonshi' ni kansuru oboegaki [Notes on the Formation of Modern State and 'Japanese History']." in Gendai Shisou vol. 24-9 (August 1996), pp. 162-169
21)The following are the leading studies of the contents of school textbooks in prewar Japan: Jih-Pen Yen Chiu Hui, Anti-Chinese and Anti-Foreign Teachings in New Textbook and Publications of Japan, Nanking: publisher unknown, 1930; Saburo Ienaga, Pacific War, 1937-1945: A Critical Perspective on Japan's Role in World War II, New York: Pantheon Books, 1978; Takashi Fujitani, "Inventing, Forgetting, Remembering: Toward a Historical Ethnography of the Nation-State." in Harumi Befu (ed.), Cultural Nationalism in East Asia, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993, pp. 77-106; Tomitaro Karasawa, Karasawa tomitaro chosakushu, dai nana kan, kyokasho no rekishi, ge [History of School Textbooks, vol. 2(The complete works of Tomitaro Karasawa, vol. 7)], Tokyo: Gyousei, 1990; Muneomi Kaigo and Arata Naka, Kyokasho de miru kindai nihon no kyoiku [Modern Japanese Education Studied from Contents of Textbooks], Tokyo: Tokyo shoseki, 1979; Masashi Kajiyama, Kindai nihon kyokasho-shi kenkyu [A Study on the History of Modern Japanese Textbooks], Tokyo: Mineruva shobo, 1988
22)Karasawa, Karasawa tomitaro chosakushu, dai nana kan, kyokasho no rekishi, ge [History of School Textbooks, vol. 2(The complete works of Tomitaro Karasawa, vol. 7)], p. 34-39
23)Shiro Baba, "Nihonshi kyokasho ni okeru nashonarizumu no kouzou to tenkai [On the Structure and the Development of Nationalism in Japanese History Textbooks]." in Kyoikugaku kenkyu vol. 20-3 (1963), pp. 18-30
24)This definition derived from Masao Maruyama's definition of nationalism, which is well known among Japanese social scientists. See, Masao Maruyama, Gendai seiji no shisou to koudou [Thought and Behavior in Modern Japanese Politics], Tokyo: Miraisha, 1964, p. 274
25)Sanjun Kan, "Showa no shuen to gendai nihon no 'sinri-chiri=rekishi': kyokasho no naka no chosen wo chushin toshite [The End of Showa and 'Ideological Topography=History' in Modern Japan: On 'Korea' in School Textbooks]." in Shisou 786 (Dec. 1989), pp. 26-55
26)Kan, "Showa no shuen to gendai nihon no 'shinri-chiri=rekishi': kyokasho no naka no chosen wo chusin toshite [The End of Showa and 'Ideological Topography=History' in Modern Japan: On 'Korea' in School Textbooks]." p. 27
27)Gluck, "The Past in the Present." p. 71
28)Buruma, Wages of Guilt, p. 199
29)Chang, The Rape of Nanking, p. 201
30)Frances FitzGerald, America Revised: History Schoolbooks in the Twentieth Century, Boston: Little Brown & Company, 1979
31)FitzGerald, America Revised, p. 27
32)Also, I was inspired by the following books regarding the relationship between official educational curriculum and ideology: Martin F. Herz, How the Cold War Is Taught: Six American History Textbooks Examined, Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1978; Michael Novak, Jeane Kirkpatrick, and Anne Crutcher, Values in an American Government Textbook: Three Appraisals, Washington: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1978; James E. Davis, Dealing with Censorship, Urbana, Ill.: The National Council of Teachers of English, 1979; Lewis A. Coser, et al., Books: The Culture and Commerce of Publishing, New York: Basic Books Inc., 1982; Michael W. Apple and Lois Weis (eds.), Ideology and Practice in Schooling, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1983; Nathan Glazer and Reed Ueda, Reed, Ethnic Groups in History Textbooks, Washington, D.C.: Ethics and Public Policy Center, 1983; Ruth Charnes, "U.S. History Textbooks: Help or Hindrance to Social Justice?" in Interratial Books for Children Bulletin 15, Number 5, pp. 3-8, 1984; Paul C. Vitz, , Censorship: Evidence of Bias in Our Children's Textbooks, Ann Arbor, Mich.: Servant Books, 1986; Volker R. Berghahn and Hanna Schissler,(eds.), Perceptions of History: International Textbook Research on Britain, Germany and the United States, New York: Berg Pub, 1987; Richard Shenkman, Legends, Lies and Cherished Myths of American History, New York: Harper and Row Publishers Inc., 1989; Michael W. Apple, Ideology and Curriculum, New York: Routledge, 1990; David Pratt, How to Find and Measure Bias in Textbooks, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Educational Technology Publication, 1992; Michael W. Apple, Official Knowledge: Democratic Education in a Conservative Age, New York: Routledge, 1993; James W. Loewen, Lies My Teacher Told Me: Everything Your American History Textbook Got Wrong, New York: New Press, 1995; Michael W. Apple, Cultural Politics and Education, New York: Teachers College Press, Columbia University, 1996; Eric Magnuson, "Ideological Conflict in American Political Culture: the Discourse of Civil Society and American National Narratives in American History Textbooks." in International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 17(6), 1997, pp. 84-130
33)Carl A. Grant and Christine E. Sleeter, Turning on Learning, Columbus, Ohio: Merrill, 1989, pp. 104-109; Christine E. Sleeter and Carl A. Grant, "Race, Class, Gender, and Disability in Current Textbooks." in Michael W. Apple and Linda K. Christian-Smith (eds.), The Politics of the Textbook, New York: Routledge, 1991, pp. 78-110
34)Sleeter and Grant, "Race, Class, Gender, and Disability in Current Textbooks." p. 82
35)To select these historical terms, I used a glossary of world history for high school students, which was published also from Yamakawa Publishing. See, Zenkoku rekishi kyoiku kenkyu kai, Sekaishi B yougoshu [Glossary of World History B for High Schools], Yamakawa Publishing, 1995
36)The conditions of educational administration under American occupation is examined closely in the following study: Toshio Tokutake, Kyokasho no sengoshi [The Postwar History of Textbooks], Shin-nihon Publishing, 1995, Chapter 1
37)The Ministry of Education, Atarashii kenpou no hanashi [Tales of the New Constitution], Jitsugyou kyokasho kabushikigaisha, 1947
38)The Ministry of Education, Atarashii kenpou no hanashi [Tales of the New Constitution], pp. 7-8
39)The Ministry of Education, Minshushugi: monbushou chosaku kyokasho [Democracy: Textbook written by the Ministry of Education], Komichi shobo, 1948, 49/1995
40)Tokutake, Kyokasho no sengoshi [The Postwar History of Textbooks], p. 86
41)Saburo Ienaga, Kentei fugoukaku nihonshi [Unauthorized Japanese History], San-ichi shobo, 1956/74, Preface
42)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1963, in Dai 13 ji nikkyoso, dai 10 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 13th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1964, p. 12
43)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1964, in Dai 15 ji nikkyoso, dai 12 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 15th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1966, p. 35
44)Stefan Tanaka, Japan's Orient, Rendering Pasts into History, Berkeley, CA: University of California, 1993, pp. 5-7
45)Naomi Watanabe, Nihon kindaibungaku to 'sabetsu' [Modern Japanese Literature and 'Discrimination'], Ohta Publishing, 1994, Appendix 2
46)Nobuyoshi Takashima, Kyokasho wa kou kakinaosareta! [Textbooks were Forced to be Rewritten Like This!], Kodansha, 1994, p. 56
47)Dai 13 ji nikkyoso, dai 10 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 13th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1964, p. 16
48)Dai 15 ji nikkyoso, dai 12 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 15th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1966, p. 13
49)Dai 15 ji nikkyoso, dai 12 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 15th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1966, p. 8
50)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1965, in Dai 15 ji nikkyoso, dai 12 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 15th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1966, p. 8
51)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1966, in Dai 17 ji nikkyoso, dai 14 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 17th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1968, p. 4
52)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1966, in Dai 17 ji nikkyoso, dai 14 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 17th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1968, p. 8
53)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1967, in Dai 18 ji nikkyoso, dai 15 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 18th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1969, p. 35
54)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1967, in Dai 18 ji nikkyoso, dai 15 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 18th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1969, p. 35
55)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1964, in Dai 15 ji nikkyoso, dai 12 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 15th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1966, p. 35
56)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1970, in Kyokasho repoto No. 15 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 15], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1971, p. 21
57)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1971, in Kyokasho repoto No. 16 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 16], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1972, p. 12
58)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1964, in Dai 15 ji nikkyoso, dai 12 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 15th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1966, pp. 34-35
59)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1964, in Dai 15 ji nikkyoso, dai 12 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 15th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1966, p. 29
60)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1967, in Dai 18 ji nikkyoso, dai 15 ji nikkoukyo kyoikukenkyushukai houkokusho [Report of the 18th Study Meeting of the Japan Teacher's Union], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1969, p. 36
61)Houritsu jihou zoukan zouhoban: kyokasho saiban [Extra Issue of The Law Journal: Textbook Trial], Nihon hyoronsha, 1970, pp. 39-41
62)Jun Eto, Wasureta koto to wasuresaserareta koto [The Things That We Have Forgot and the Things That We Were Forced to Forget], Bunshun bunko, 1996, p. 20
63)Takeshi Ishida, Shakaikagaku saikou: haisenkara hanseiki no doujidaishi [Reconsideration on Social Science: the Contemporary History of a Half Century from the Defeat], Tokyo University Press, 1995, pp. 56-58
64)Shougen Ri, "Sengo no nikkan-kankei to rekishi kyoiku [Japan-Korea Relationship and History Education in the Postwar Era]." in Hideo Sato et al. (eds.) Nihon no kingendaishi to rekishi kyoiku [Modern History of Japan and History Education], Tsukiji shokan, 1996, pp. 28-42
65)Ishida, Shakaikagaku saikou: haisenkara hanseiki no doujidaishi [Reconsideration on Social Science: the Contemporary History of a Half Century from the Defeat], p. 36
66)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1977, in Kyokasho repoto No. 23 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 23], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1979, p. 23
67)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1980, in Asahi Shimbun [Asahi Newspaper], October 20th, 1993, Evening Edition, p. 2
68)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1975, in Kyokasho repoto No. 21 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 21], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1977, p. 27
69)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1980, in Kyokasho repoto No. 26 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 26], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1982, p. 49
70)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1976, in Kyokasho repoto No. 21 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 21], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1977, p.20
71)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1980, in Kyokasho repoto No. 25 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 25], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1981, p. 13
72)Cf. Anthony Giddens, The Nation-State and Violence: Volume Two of A Contemporary Critique of Historical Materialism, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1985
73)Hideo Otake has done a detailed political analysis on the Critical Campaign against presenting textbooks by the Liberal Democratic Party which started in 1980 in his Sengo nihon no ideorogii tairitsu [Ideological Conflicts in Postwar Japan], San-ichi shobo, 1996, Section 3 in Chapter 2
74)Takashima, Kyokasho wa kou kakinaosareta! [Textbooks were Forced to be Rewritten Like This!], p. 98
75)Cf. Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking, pp. 202-205
76)Asahi Shimbun [Ashahi Newspaper], September 6th, 1986, Morning Edition, p. 1
77)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1983, in Kyokasho repoto No. 29 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 29], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1985, pp. 73-74
78)The fruits of these efforts are expressed especially in the following two studies for the present: Masao Nishikawa, Jikokushi wo koeta rekishi kyoiku [History Education beyond One's Own History], Sanseido, 1992; Nikkan rekishi kyokasho kenkyukai (The Study Group of History Textbooks between Japan and Korea), Kyokasho wo nikkan kyoryoku de kangaeru [Thinking about Textbooks in Cooperation between Japan and Korea], Ohtsuki shoten, 1993
79)Yasusuke Murakami, An Anticlassical Political-Economic Analysis: A Vision for the Next Century, California: Stanford University Press, 1996, p. 43
80)Ishida, Shakaikagaku saikou: haisenkara hanseiki no doujidaishi [Reconsideration on Social Science: the Contemporary History of a Half Century from the Defeat], p. 64
81)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1993, in Kyokasho repoto No. 39 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 39], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1995, p. 48
82)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1992, in Kyokasho repoto No. 38 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 38], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1994, p. 37
83)Takahiro Kondo, "Kokusai kyokasho taiwa no genzai: tougou yoroppa no shiten kara [The Present Situation of the International Textbook Improvement: From the Viewpoint of the Unified Europe]." in Kyoikugaku kenkyu (vol. 61, no. 3), 1994, p. 273
84)Une initiative europeenne de Frederic Delouche, Histoire de l'Europe, Paris: Hachette, 1992. This history textbook has been used as a subtextbook in EU nations from 1992. This unified history textbook is now being a material which gives the image of the unified Europe to all young generation living in Europe, though some people criticize this because it contains the Europe-centric view of history.
85)Censoring opinion of textbooks by the Ministry of Education in 1976, in Kyokasho repoto No. 21 [Annual Report on Textbooks No. 21], Nihon shuppan roudou kumiai kyougikai (The Japan Allied Labor Union of Publishers), 1977, p. 12
86)Gluck, "The Past in the Present." p. 71
87)Anderson, Imagined Communities, p. 42
88)Anderson, Imagined Communities, p. 96
89)Cf. Ulrich Beck, "The Reinvention of Politics: Towards a Theory of Reflexive Modernization." in Ulrich Beck, Anthony Giddens, and Scott Lash (eds.), Reflexive Modernization: Politics, Tradition and Aesthetics in the Modern Social Order, Cambridge: Polity Press, 1994, pp. 1-55
90)Chris Hedges, "Sarajevo Journal; In Bosnia's Schools, 3 Ways Never to Learn From History." in The New York Times, November 25th, 1997, Foreign Desk
91)Michael Meyer and Stephen E. Fienberg, Assessing Evaluation Studies: The Case of Bilingual Education Strategies, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1992, pp. 108
92)FitzGerald, America Revised: History Schoolbooks in the Twentieth Century, pp. 10-14
93)Glazer and Ueda, Ethnic Groups in History Textbooks, p. 57
94)Sankei Shimbun Jigyokyoku, Heisei hachi nen chugakko shakaika kyokasho (rekishi bunya) mihonbon "kingendaishi" no bassui [Excerpts of "the Modern and Present Age History" from the Sample Books of the Social Studies Textbooks (History Field) for Junior High Schools in 1996], Sankei Shimbun Jigyokyoku, 1996
95)Zenkoku rekishi kyoiku kenkyu kai, Sekaishi B yougoshu dai 2 han [Glossary of World History B for High Schools, Revised], Yamakawa Publishing, 1998, p. 257
96)Zenkoku rekishi kyoiku kenkyu kai, Nihonshi B yougoshu [Glossary of Japanese History B for High Schools], Yamakawa Publishing, 1998, p. 253
97)Sankei Shimbun Jigyokyoku, Heisei hachi nen chugakko shakaika kyokasho (rekishi bunya) mihonbon "kingendaishi" no bassui [Excerpts of "the Modern and Present Age History" from the Sample Books of the Social Studies Textbooks (History Field) for Junior High Schools in 1996]
98)Zenkoku rekishi kyoiku kenkyu kai, Nihonshi B yougoshu [Glossary of Japanese History B for High Schools], p. 259
99)See, Nobukatsu Fujioka, Kingendaishi kyoiku no kaikaku: zendama akudama shikan wo koete [Reformation of Education of the Modern and Present History: Beyond the Rightist- and Leftist-Views of History], Tokyo: Meiji tosho, 1996, p.20; Kanji Nishio and Nobukatsu Fujioka, Kokumin no yudan: rekishi kyokasho ga abunai! [People's Carelessness: History Textbooks in Danger!], Tokyo: PHP kenkyujo, 1996, p. 220
100)Namio Egami et al., Detailed World History, Revised, Tokyo: Yamakawa Publishing, 1998, p. 318
101)See, e.g., Jurgen Habermas, Strukturwandel der Offentlichkeit, Suhrkamp-Taschenbuch, 1995, S. 45-50