About the Author

Tomochika Okamoto:

Associate Professor
Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences
University of Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan

Ph.D. in Sociology, Waseda UniversityTokyo, Japan, 2001
M.A. in Applied Sociology, Queens College, City University of New York, U.S.A., 1999
M.A. in Sociology, Waseda UniversityTokyo, Japan, 1997

B.A. in Sociology, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, 1995


Sociology of Education
Sociology of Human Coexistence

Theories of Nationalism
Research on Multicultural Society

Major works:

"Reflexive Historiography in Postwar Japan's World History Textbooks," Journal of Educational Research for Human Coexistence 3, pp. 1-13, 2008/10.

Rekishi kyokasho ni miru amerika: kyosei shakai e no michinori [America Seen in History Textbooks: Transitional Process on the Way to Multicultural Society], Tokyo: Gakubunsha, 2008/03.

"2000 nendai no beikoku rekishi kyokasho ni hyogen sareru tabunka shakai no konkyo: 'kokka anzen hosho' to 'shiminteki jiyu' ni kansuru kijutsu wo jirei toshite [The Foundations of Multicultural Society Represented in US History Textbooks in the 2000s: Case Studies Using Descriptions Regarding 'National Security' and 'Civil Liberties']," in Journal of Educational Research for Human Coexistence 1, pp. 1-13, 2006/03.

"Tabunka kyoiku to nikkei amerikajin no nashonaru aidentiti [Multicultural Education and Japanese American's National Identity]," in Tsukuba Journal of Educational Studies 4, pp. 47-63, 2006/03.

"Nikkei gasshukokumin no amerikan aidentiti: nishi kaigan to hawai no baai [The American Identities of U.S. Citizens of Japanese Ancestry: The West Coast and Hawaii]," in Soshioroji 150, pp. 3-19, 2004/05.

"History Textbooks of Japan and the United States, and the Narration of History in the Age of Globalization," paper presented at the First NAJS (Nordic Association for the Study of Contemporary Japanese Society) Conference at Gothenburg University, Sweden, 2004/04.

Jojutsu no stairu to rekishi kyoiku: kyojuho to kyokasho no kokusai hikaku [Styles of Historiography and History Education: International Comparison of Pedagogy and Textbooks], Masako Watanabe ed. (collaboration with the International Research Center for Japanese Studies), Tokyo: Sangensha, 2003/12.

"Zaibei nikkeijin kyosei shuyo ni taisuru hoshoho no hensen: amerika no kokumin gainen ni kansuru iti kosatsu [On the Changes in U.S. Compensation Acts for Wartime Internment of Japanese Americans: An Examination of the Concept of the American Nation]," in Japanese Sociological Review 214, pp. 2-16, 2003/09.

"National Identity and Democracy in Japan" & "Globalization, Multiculturalism, Understanding Other Cultures," The Organizing Committee of the Waseda University-Vienna University Joint-Seminar ed., The Proceedings of the Vienna-Waseda Joint Seminar for Political and Social Science 2003, Tokyo: Department of Sociology, School of Letters, Arts, and Sciences, Waseda University, 2003/07.

Kokuminshi no henbo: Nichibei rekishi kyokasho to gurobaru jidai no nashonarizumu [The Changing Face of the National History: History Textbooks of Japan and the United States, and the Nationalism in the Age of Globalization], Tokyo: Nihon-hyoronsha, 2001/12.

"Nijusseiki kohan no beikoku rekishi kyokasho ni hyogen sareta 'nikkei amerikajin' zo no henshitsu: tabunka kyoiku to kyodotai togo ni kanshite [Changes in the Representation of 'Japanese Americans' in U.S. History Textbooks, 1952-1999]," in Journal of Educational Sociology 68, pp. 127-146, 2001/05.

"Book Review: The National History by Kanji NISHIO," in Waseda Journal of Asian Studies 21, pp. 83-91, 2000/03.

"Nikkei amerikajin no doka to esunishiti: sedaikan henka ni tsuite no rebyu to bunseki [A Study of the Generational Change in Japanese Americans' Ethnic Identity: Review and Analysis]," in Annuals of Sociology 41, pp. 97-111, 2000/03.

"Rekishi kyokasho chishiki ni hyogen sareru nashonarizumu no henshitsu: senkyuhyakukyuju nendai amerika gasshukoku no kokumin kyoiku [On the Transition of Nationalism Expressed in U.S. History Textbooks: National Education in the 1990s]," in Bulletin of the Graduate Division of Literature of Waseda University 45(1), pp. 87-95, 2000/02.

"On the Impact of Individual Educational Level against Their Confidence in Governmental Institutions," in Sociological Papers 8, pp. 41-45, 1999/03.